Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Broken heart

Broken steps broken hearts
You are mending every part
I am safe and I'm covered by Your grace
Only You and Your light
Could turn my darkness into dawn
By Your blood death has lost
And love has won

I surrender all
To the Savior of my soul

Let the weak in me say I am strong
You're my refuge and my song
I will trust in You for all my days
Let my fears and doubts be cast away
You're my strength I will not fear
Jesus I will call upon Your name
You are my hiding place
//You are my hiding place by JPCC Worship

Take that yoke or burden and covered with Your tender mercy, love and grace. I give my all when come to dealing with people (literally difficult people). To bear one another differences, e.g.: unique features, personalities and traits reason being we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus which God had prepared long ago for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). I had issues with this person for a couple of years. Before the issues, we were fine, no problem within us and had a nice chit-chatting conversation (be it whatever topic) but after that convo ended, surely, there is something needed to be corrected. To be honest, I am fine wif that because I am so use to it already ever since I was born. If I did something wrong/not right, of course, I will get scolding or warning. If I did nothing wrong, I will still get scolding or warning. If I have a friend who did something wrong, I will help my friend to cover those of it, he/she won't get the blame or scolding because this what friend for. To carry one another burden (Galatians 6:2), having to lay down his/her life for the other (John 15:13). So back to the case, I really enjoy talking to this person but overtimes, this has to be stopped for the time-being. Both of us, need that a timeout just to make sure, we are not causing ourselves to fall and most importantly, take a step back and align with God Himself. Actually, I didn't have any emotion until one day, it just burst out of a sudden. All these years, I have been suppressing the feelings and hurts which I didn't know and didn't share about it to anyone until last year, I shared with my best pal, CFWS in short form. For now, I still face this person but no longer, I will have 1-1 convo but with a small community if we were to talk together.

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